• Registration INCLUDES 3 lunches and 1 dinner.

  • Registration INCLUDES 3 lunches and 1 dinner.

Attendee #1 Information

SINGLE registrants SKIP the next section of Attendee #2 and GO TO CONSENTS & RELEASES section.
COUPLE registrants COMPLETE the next section of ATTENDEE #2 information for your spouse/significant other.

Attendee #2 Spouse or Significant Other Information (For Couples Registration Only):

Consents and Releases

I (we) hereby grant Northern Lights Santa Academy (NLSA) and it's agents the right to film, video, or photograph myself (ourselves) at any school sessions or school related activities for any purpose without payment or consideration, thereof. I irrevocably consent to the use of my name and likeness, including my performance, voice, and image in any form, as a condition of my participation with NLSA. I waive any inspection or approval of use. I also waive and release NLSA from any claims based on invasion of privacy, right of publicity, misappropriation of likeness, defamation, false endorsement, or claim of visual or audio alteration or faulty mechanical reproduction. I also understand and agree that participants are prohibited from making any video or audio recordings of any segment of this event for any reason without express consent from NLSA.

It is agreed that student(s) releases and waives the right to bring suit against Northern Lights Santa Academy, their owners, officers, directors, managers, officials, trustees, agents, employees, or other representatives in connection with exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID-19 related to attendance at school, including personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence and give up any claims to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen.

FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY LUNCHES AND SATURDAY DINNER ARE ALREADY INCLUDED FOR ALL REGISTERED STUDENTS.  However, if you have a spouse or significant other who will be staying with you at the hotel but who is NOT attending school (not registered), we are offering an optional add-on lunch plan and/or Saturday night dinner to your registration.  Again, these OPTIONAL add-on meals are only for NON-student spouses who are staying at the hotel.  

Please skip this section and continue to billing information section if you do not have a NON-student spouse staying at the hotel with you.

OPTIONAL Meal add-ons for Spouses/signifcant others who are NOT registered for school, but staying with you at the hotel. (For all registered students these meals are already included with your tuition.)

  • OPTIONAL lunch plan add-on for NON-Registered Spouse (3 lunches - Friday, Saturday, Sunday lunches)

    OPTIONAL lunch plan add-on for NON-Registered Spouse (3 lunches - Friday, Saturday, Sunday lunches)

    This is ONLY for a spouse who is staying with you in the hotel but who is NOT registered for school.

    $75.00 ea.

  • OPTIONAL dinner add-on for NON-Registered Spouse (1 dinner - Saturday night dinner)

    OPTIONAL dinner add-on for NON-Registered Spouse (1 dinner - Saturday night dinner)

    This is ONLY for a spouse who is staying with you in the hotel but who is NOT registered for school.

    $65.00 ea.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software